WELCOME ! ARIZONA'S OL' CONGRESS TRADING POST LINKS PAGE LINKS PAGE--Is a "BRAND SPANKIN' NEW" Web Page for the Trading Post. Now at long last I'll be able to link with the other sites that people keep sending me that are good yet there never was anyplace to put them in the old site. Also there are a number of sites that I wish to make known to as many people as possible. If you wish your link to be posted here, please submit the address via E-Mail and we will review it and then post it here. The decision of Uncle Jerry and Ol' Two Guns is final,PERIOD ! You may also use the "Free For All" Links page below. By the way the "Infamous E-Note" is below, just scroll down. |
UNCLE JERRY'S WEB PAGE - Who is Ol' Uncle Jerry? Well you can go here and find out. This is my own page, you didn't expect me not to plug my own site, did you? Beyond that, you may order booklets that I'm writing, see pictures of my dogs, past and present, and contact me about building a killer WEBSITE, like this one. In general just learn more about Uncle Jerry. I look foreward to seeing you there. THE SURVIVAL CENTER - They got what we all want. Its the nifftyest conex box filled with stuff, when you get it, just set things up and plug it in and UNPLUG the Power Company. DON"T expect to see this link on their site. Cost is the only real consideration, but, then again when you consider how much you spend on power bills, maybe not! They claim only hours to get the whole thing up and flying, but, give yourself a break and take the weekend. Also there are now all sorts of monetary incentives for doing this. Check online for the state in which you live. CUMBERLAND GENERAL STORE - They got stuff in their cataloge that you probably didn't know they still made. Even if you aren't contenplating a homestead, the entertainment value of this book is well worth the price. Who knows, maybe you'll find something you need after all. RIVER JUNCTION TRADE COMPANY - A good supplier of 19th century clothing and dry goods, of all sorts. There is even something for the ladies. I've made many purchases in the past and my stuff got there in a reasonalble amount of time and was of excellent quality. Truth be known probably better than what was available then. DIXIE GUN WORKS - If you thought that Cumberland General Store was something, then this one will bowl you over. I don't care how many times you look throuh this book you'll find something you missed all the times before. Honest there is that much stuff, and then some. It's another one of those cataloges that's worth the price just for entertainment, and as I said before, you may find something you didn't know you couldn't live without.